So this was my attempt at candying my own ginger at 3 days. Normally this would take at least a week, and with the help of a syrup density meter as well. Seeing as I had neither the time nor the tool for it, I was very skeptical that this would turn out. My hopes dropped a little more when there was no young ginger available at the store.
I tried anyways and it actually turned out better than I thought it would. The ginger on its own is quite spicy, but dipped in chocolate, it was great! So now I have about 3 dozen pieces of chocolate dipped ginger and some awesome ginger syrup for use later on. I will say a few things though, next time I do this, I'll use young ginger so it is less fibrous, and I'll candy a whole lot more ginger. No point in spending all the time and effort (and about 2 kg sugar) with just 3 dozen.